Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Kings Of Leon - Mechanical Bull Tour

Last Sunday, me and the girls headed off to Milton Keynes, pitched tents in a friends garden (yeah, we wanted that festival feel), spent the afternoon sitting in their Pagoda sipping Margarita's before walking in the smothering heat to The National Bowl.

Twin Atlantic, followed by Haim, followed by Kings of Leon. Summer sun, festival feel, 7 rows from the front, and the clearest view of the band. Also surrounded by moshers, but safe enough to just laugh at them, until the last few songs where we joined in, because... well, why not?

I bought these tickets back at the beginning of January, put them on the shelf, and hadn't really thought about it until the last few days, and that warm fuzzy feeling of complete excitement and also nerves (what if we pack the tents but forget the poles? And, please,  remind me to pack the tickets because I don't trust myself at all) came over me.

This venue is amazing. Like, super cool. When people were calling it a bowl, I genuinely wasn't expecting what I saw as we climbed the steps. Looks like a massive meteor has hit the ground, been scooped out, and some genius has decided to use it as a gig venue.

When the night ended with  a burst of fireworks and one last roar from the crowd, we attempted to find those of us who'd sat on the slope (they came out looking immaculate, we looked like we'd been dragged into a moshpit full of sweaty over excited people who pushed, pulled and threw us around... oh wait...). Trying to find these friends gave me a perfect excuse to get us all lost again of course, and after 15m minutes of walking in completely the wrong direction we were eventually saved.

So then it was back to our tents for the night where we cosied up with hot water bottles and huge duvets and a few cups of tea. Just as we were settling (as comfortably as you can in a tent) we heard a sudden bang, thump and moan as we watched poor Katy walking straight into a patio door. No, we will never let her forget it ;)

I've now spent the rest of the week recovering, reminiscing, and in a permanent grump because I would quite like to just go back and relive it all over again. On a side note my nephew has just slapped a few stickers onto my forehead and run off - this may be adding to the melancholy...

Anyway I now have no gigs lined up *shock horror* and I'm back to normal life - as normal as my life can be ;) I better get planning another weekend trip...

xxx Lucy xxx


  1. Aw just re-read this post! Great memories! Gossip Girl xoxo. (joke..just me- Ash..)

    1. I know! Bring on more gigs this summer like this! X


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